Philip Taylor [ATI]
22 years ago
look at the DPlay Maze sample, it mixes D3D and DPlay.
The program I'm working on uses Direct3D for its display and some other
libsThe program I'm working on uses Direct3D for its display and some other
that needs to be compiled with the single thread flags in visual studio
.NET2003 (/MLd /ML)
Everything worked fine until I added network code with DirectPlay. As soon
as I intanciate a IDirectplay8Server my dilplay goes completely mad...
everything is messed up.
Is it a problem with threads?
Com interfaces maybe?
Any hint would be very appreciated.
Everything worked fine until I added network code with DirectPlay. As soon
as I intanciate a IDirectplay8Server my dilplay goes completely mad...
everything is messed up.
Is it a problem with threads?
Com interfaces maybe?
Any hint would be very appreciated.